Alpha House
Alpha House conservation and adaptive re-use project completed in 2021 for NSW Parks and Wildlife, built by Carfax Commercial Construction. The scope covered the conservation and restoration of Alpha House along with the addition of a new amenities Pavilion to the rear of the building, to cater for the adaptive reuse of the building. A key consideration with the design was to ensure that the amenities Pavilion was built to meet BAL 40 and Alpha House upgraded to meet BAL 29 bush fire requirements.
CD Shore Plumbing installed all new services throughout the project including new amenities blocks, kitchen, septic system, fire hydrant system, fire suppressant system and storm water. All services had to be installed with large consideration toward the design brief of a restoration and in keeping with the heritage guidelines.
Given the sensitive nature of the site, an Archaeologist and member of the Local Aboriginal Land Council was present should any unexpected finds be uncovered during all excavation work around the site.